China's rise as a superpower is based on eight pillars, which are interconnected and complementary to each other.

The first pillar is a stable and authoritarian political system that allows the government to control the country's direction and resources.

The second pillar is a large and diverse economy that has grown rapidly over the past few decades, lifting millions out of poverty.

The third pillar is a focus on science and technology, with China investing heavily in research and development to become a world leader in emerging fields.

The fourth pillar is a strategic approach to foreign policy, with China seeking to expand its influence and build strong partnerships around the world.

The fifth pillar is a massive and disciplined military, which is modernizing rapidly to protect China's interests and project power abroad.

The sixth pillar is a deep sense of nationalism and pride in China's achievements, which helps to unite the population and foster a strong sense of identity.

The seventh pillar is a focus on education and human capital, with China investing heavily in its people to create a skilled and knowledgeable workforce.

The eighth and final pillar is a willingness to adapt and learn from mistakes, which has allowed China to overcome challenges and continue to grow and evolve.

Together, these eight pillars have helped China emerge as a global superpower, with a significant impact on the world's political, economic, and social landscape.